WOSP a Hit at Bunnings

WOSP A Hit at Bunnings

“Bunnings Rosebud & our community are so lucky to have you” said Alyce Fogarty, Bunnings Activities Officer, after seeing our Santa give away the remainder of articles made by the Toys Group.

B 2212 11
Santa with some happy but confused kids not really sure what was happening

It started out as just another fun day selling sausages at Bunnings. Then John Bayliss, Dennis Conner & a few others arrived with tables & toys. After the display was set up many people approached them asking “how much?’. They were both surprised & disappointed when told they were not for sale but were to be given away at midday by Santa.

At midday Santa with his elves, Jose & Bert, arrived. It was rewarding to see the surprise of both parents & children as they realised Santa was GIVING them a gift. One little girl with a dummy in her mouth demonstrated the joy & simplicity of Christmas when she latched onto a pram pushing & pulling until it was free of the other toys.

A couple of parents were so surprised by the generosity of Santa they made a donation to the club.

Another lady made a similar donation after watching the fun & enjoyment provided by Santa & his elves. She did not have any children but encouraged club members to continue what they were doing because “it is something you can be proud of”, she said.

It was fortunate that there were not many children at Bunnings that day as it would have been sad to have to turn children away empty handed. As it was the last child received his present as the crowd dissipated. Santa was able to leave without fuss leaving the remaining club members to continue cooking & selling sausages.

B 2212 02
She was all business after mum said it was OK


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