The art of making a picture frame is now accessible to all members on a Monday afternoon. To prevent boredom in retirement Rodger Stebbing attended a 2 year Art & Design course. Now Rodger will be available to show you the skills he has subsequently learned.
Rodger has been able to apply some of what he learnt to his other passion “painting”. All paintings need frames and they can be very expensive if professionally done. To allow other painters present their paintings at the last Sorrento Arts Show Rodger made 140 frames.
Rodger prefers to use pine for his frames as that timber is cheaper. He uses his own painting skills to colour the frames where a lot of people would try to enhance the painting with moulded timber. It is possible to use a router to create the mouldings although the other choice is to pay the price & buy moulded timber.
A guillotine for cutting the 450 corners has been donated to the club. Attendees will be shown how to use the guillotine to cut the frame and then to use v nails or biscuits to join the corners. To finish the complete frame Rodger has a special router bit to ensure the backing board is flush with the frame. As an alternative to using the guillotine Rodger is able to demonstrate the use of a mitre cutter on the bench saw. Either way you must be able to set stops to ensure the timber on either side of the frame is the same length.
Rodger does not use glass but if glass is required it can be acquired & cut at Rosebud Glass on the Nepean Highway.
Over the years many of us have collected lots of memorabilia but have not presented or displayed it. At the Monday afternoon class you will be able to learn how to do a frame with a deeper rebate so that your memorabilia can be displayed within.