About Us

A brief video about the club and its activities.

Our original clubhouse and discussion by members

A Brief History of the Club

Business Overview & Club Description

  • Woodworkers of the Southern Peninsula is a Not for Profit club.
  • A Committee of Management, elected annually, runs the club.
  • The annual membership fee is $70 per financial year (July to June).
  • A daily session fee of $5 is charged to each attending member. A session is either a morning or afternoon session. Members are welcome to attend both sessions in a day which would cost $10.
  • The club membership of 80+ has a high number of retirees although membership is available to adults 18 and over.
  • All new members are trained by experienced instructors.
  • Workshop Team Leaders are voluntary and do not receive remuneration.
  • Financial accounts and records are subject to an audit annually.
  • Personal insurance & public liability covers all members. All the insurances are paid by the club.
  • Electricity & gas for heating, cooling and ventilation is paid by the club.

Workshop Sessions and Activities

  • Sessions are open to all members
  • Members choose their own projects and draw up their own plans. For some projects, the team leader may be able to provide a jig to assist.
  • New members receive instructions on how to use the lathes and power tools safely.
  • Wooden toys are made all through the year by a group of dedicated members.
  • In November each year, the wooden toys are distributed to local charities for distribution to underprivileged children for Christmas.
  • The club also runs a community program supplying wooden toys to local kinder gardens.
  • The Mornington Shire asked the club to provide skilled labour on restoration projects including a heritage shed at Police Point on Point Nepean.
  • Sessions are available covering wood carving, general woodworking, wood turning, segmented turning, toy making and furniture making.

Running the Club

Like most Not for Profit clubs & organisations, the club committee is mindful of the importance of the cost of membership, therefore the club fees have been structured to incorporate the cost of running the club and keeping it affordable for anyone to become a member.

Members enjoy working with like-minded men and women, to achieve a finished item that would not have been possible without the working knowledge and equipment of the club.

The club committee adheres to run the club within the guidelines of the club financial structure with the aim of covering the increased cost of the utilities and the daily expenses of the club.

However, additional funds for maintenance and new equipment always remain a concern for the current committee. Currently these expenses have been covered by donations, by sponsorship and by conducting regular sausage sizzles at the local Bunnings store.

Below is a link to the constituted rules of WoSP

WOSP Incorporated Rules